Max. mortgage calculation


Are you not yet profiting from lower monthly cost now the interest rates are so low? Or would you like to renovate your house with a nice add-on? Solar panels or double glazing can be quite an investment as well. Royal Mortgage Service will help you to remortgage the capital gain of your property so you can move forward.

It’s not always easy to make the decision to renovate your home or make it more sustainable. Consequences are not only messy and inconvenient, the financials can be quite an obstacle as well. In some cases, it’s not even the best option to renovate and remortgage, financially it could be the better choice to find a new place. Royal Mortgage Service can help clarify your options and draft an Agreement in Principle so you can make an informed decision.

At Royal Mortgage Service we are happy to investigate your financial possibilities to find the right solution. We will source the right product for your situation. In our network, we have professional contractors who can help you with the planning and realization of your project. Royal Mortgage Service is the  one-stop-shop for mortgages, insurances and financial planning.

Royal Mortgage Service
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+31 (0)85 - 30 36 278 
+31 (0)50 - 21 15 361 (north)

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